Friday, January 30, 2015

Love is Strange (Film Review)

Love’s certainly strange, but this film surely isn't; it’s sweet, funny, serene, calming, bittersweet and lovely.  Most significantly however, Love is Strange is a very natural film; its natural in its comedy, its natural in its romance, and natural with its handling of homosexuality.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Coherence (Quick Review)

On occasion there’s a film I can’t review in detail without spoiling; Coherence is one of those films.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Babadook (Quick Review)

Babadook is a breath of fresh air for the recently stifled horror genre.  It never advanced quite how I expected, nor does it end the way your typical horror film would.  I’ll confess to several instances of hiding behind my hands, taking peaks in-between fingers at the scares presented (though admittedly I’m a real scaredy-cat when it comes to horror).  Babadook rarely relies on jump scares however, thriving instead on atmosphere and buildup.  Creepiness is its preferred weapon on viewers’ fears, with everything about the film feeling slightly off (in a good way); whether it be from the stress-filled mother (Essie Davis), her hyperactive son (Noah Wiseman), or their unusually dark home which becomes a place of gothic décor and scenery once the night arrives.  There are multiple references (through their television) to silent horror films throughout, all very fitting with Babadook’s reminiscent style to such an era.  I was reminded of Nosferatu when the Babadook’s shadowy figure emerged, and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari as the house twisted into a nightmarish playground for the creature’s use. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Interview (Quick Review)

With such hype and controversy surrounding it, The Interview has clearly not lived up to its reputation.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

American Sniper (Film Review)

I’m surprised at how fast American Sniper was made; in all honesty I thought it would be at least another year before a third sequel was released.  They surprisingly changed the series name too, though I guess after three films The Expendables 4 sounded too stale.  I’ll admit disappointment towards the lack of all-star cast members (I’m glad they were able to get Bradley Cooper to join, but where was Stallone, Statham, and Schwarzenegger?), but at least American Sniper stays true to the heart of its series; having all the clichés, mindless action scenes, and cheesy one-liners one's come to expect from The Expendables.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Taken 3 (Quick Review)

There’s a scene in Taken 3 where a tired Liam Neeson jumps into a sewage pipe, which I think is a pretty good metaphor for the film itself.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Inherent Vice (Film Review)

This is a weird film.  This is a bizarre film.  This is an insane film…I kind of liked it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We Are the Best! (Film Review)

The 2010s have been a very active decade for nostalgia, specifically towards the 80s and 90s.  For film it’s mostly been in the form of remakes, sequels, and reboots, yet there’s also been historical pieces such as We Are the Best!; a film about three punk-rock wannabe anarchists in a coming of age story.  The story takes place during the 80s, where punk-rock is being pushed underground by the recent surge of synthpop music; two young teenagers take it upon themselves to start their own punk-rock band (in defiance towards the pop craze), recruiting a third, talented member to help teach them the ropes of playing.  Did I by any chance mention these three punk rockers are girls?  I wish I didn't have too, seeing as I’m taking away from much of the film’s theme (it shouldn't matter if they’re male or female), yet to disregard such an aspect would be to disregard the most splendid part of the film. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

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