Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Frank (Quick Review)

Frank is a bizarre film, bizarre yet very effective.  It’s hilarious, unpredictable, emotionally effective, unexpectedly touching, and refreshing in style.  The cast deliver great performances, in particular Domhnall Gleeson as the protagonist Jon and Michael Fassbender as Frank.  If I hadn't known Frank’s identity before viewing, it would have remained a mystery since Fassbender wears a concealing paper- mâché head until the very end.  It’s such a strange choice in style, yet is what allows the film to work so effectively.  The mysterious nature of Frank sets the film’s course; guiding plot and characters while concealing emotionally effective revelations under the misdirection of its comedy. 

On the surface and throughout the first two-thirds, Frank works as a surreal comedy (bordering on black comedy), and a lovely one at that too.  The humor is unpredictable and spacious in style; never falling under one specific category while consistently switching between slapstick, observational and straight up surreal (the film metaphorically grows a beard as Jon literally grows one).  Yet as the film nears its end, the illusion created by Frank’s mask (and by extension the film’s) is broken, but not in a way that stains the plot nor destroys its comedy.  Steadily, a realization hits both Jon and myself; the realization is heavy, yet done in a gentle, soothing way that doesn't overwhelm. 

The film is as much comedy-drama as it is a coming of age story.  The viewers follow Jon’s journey with similar mindsets and knowledge, learning as Jon does; the final scene is stirring with emotion both Jon and I finally comprehend.  As the credits rolled I sat there taking in Frank’s ending, feeling relaxed and emotionally satisfied.  Frank is refreshing because it’s so bizarre in approach, in story, and in character; which is how it works so effectively, standing out among the typical comedy-dramas.  While unsure where it will place, I assure you Frank will appear on my 2014 best of the year list.

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