Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Top 13 Films of the Mid-Year: January-August (Film List)

Questions and Answers:
Question: Why release a mid-year top ten in August instead of June?
Answer: For the past several years the “Oscar Season” has gotten worse and worse.  Last year some of the best films of 2012 were released just days before New Years (some didn't even get a wide release till January).  As such both my mid-year and end of the year "best of film" lists looked vastly different from each other.  The major problem came with films being released during July and August, such as The Dark Knight Rises and Ruby Sparks.  Both films would have been good enough to make my mid-year list in June, but not good enough to compete with the massive slew of Oscar season films being released during the winter; and as a result got left out of both lists.  I'm expecting similar results to happen this year and as such decided to release my mid-year an extra two months later to add any films worthy of mention/recommending but perhaps not good enough to make the end list.

Question: Why top 13 instead of top 10?
Answer: Because its 2013 and I really wanted to showcase some films that just didn't make the top 10 cut.

Question: Are the film's rankings the opinions of all critics?  Or maybe a calculated overall average of the best reviewed films so far?
Answer: No to both. This is just my own personal bias on what I consider the best films so far.

Question: Will the rankings always be how you feel about these films (for example; will you always consider This Is the End to be a better film than The Impossible?)
Answer: First off, I believe it's unfair to compare a comedy like This Is the End with a drama like The Impossible (they’re two completely different genres).  The list is just to show how much I liked each film in its specific genre (personal example; I preferred the comedy This Is the End to the comedy Meet the Millers).  But will my feelings always remain the same about each film?  The answer is, perhaps…but possibly not.  Opinions change and develop as you grow older and revisit films; sometimes you end up loving a film that you previously only liked, and sometimes you end up finding that one of your beloved films has declined over the years.  So in all honesty, there’s a possibility that in five or ten years my number six ranking may have changed to my number one.

Question: Were you able to see all the 2013 movies that came out so far?
Answer: Unfortunately, I haven't the time nor money to see every film available (though I did see a good majority of them).  Some notable 2013 films I've yet to see would be Before Midnight, Blue Jasmine, Side Effects, and The Way, Way Back.
Now, ONTO THE LIST!!! (Links are provided at the # for the ones I've reviewed)
(Writer's Edit: So I've decided to add another film to the top 13 at the #3 spot.  The reason the film wasn't there before was because it's technically a late 2012 film that I missed seeing until just a couple months ago.  I was iffy on whether or not to add it because of its original release date, but I've decided to add it because it'd be a shame not to showcase it.  As such all films from #3-13 have been moved down one spot (kicking Monster's University into the honorary 7).

Top 13 (So Far)
#13: Ginger and Rosa
Directed By: Sally Potter
Genre: Coming of Age/Drama
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • Elle Fanning’s incredible performance as Ginger; perfectly playing a frightened an unsure 17 year old during the Cold War (what’s even more amazing is that she was only 13 at the time of filming).

Directed By: Sofia Coppola
Genre: Black Comedy/Drama
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • The satirical aspect of America’s youth and the media; being both a comedy and tragedy in one.
  • Emma Watson’s fantastic and funny acting.

Directed By: Bryan Singer
Genre: Action/Adventure
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • How full of energy the entire film feels!  The cast just looks like their having a great time; and because of that, so do I.

Directed By: Dustin Hoffman
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • The film’s self-awareness on old age and death, yet focusing instead on the best life has to offer even at the end.

Directed By: James Wan
Genre: Horror
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • Its combination of old school horror style with new age special effects.
  • The high amount of intellect shown by the characters without them becoming too smart to spoil the fun.

Directed By: Marc Forster
Genre: Apocalypse/Action
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • The intense, roller coaster like pacing the film takes.
  • The high amount of intellect shown by the characters without them becoming too smart to spoil the fun.

#7: The Place Beyond the Pines
Directed By: Derek Cianfrance
Genre: Drama/Epic
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • The fascinating twist the film takes part way through, which completely changes its direction.

Directed By: Lee Daniel
Genre: Drama/Historical
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • A story that feels like a well executed, three act play.
  • The wonderful imitations of nearly all the U.S. Presidents done by their respective actors.

Directed By: James Ponsoldt
Genre: Drama/Romance
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • The incredibly real and spectacularly well done acting of Shailene Woodley as high-school teen Aimee Finecky.

#4: The Impossible
Directed By: Juan Antonio Bayona
Genre: Drama/Disaster
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • Tom Holland’s incredible performance as a young boy caught in a terrible tsunami with his family.
  • The realistically terrifying tsunami and the after-effects brought by its destruction.
#3: Dredd
Directed By: Pete Travis
Genre: Action
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film: 
  • Wonderful use of bright, vibrant colors and visuals (really wish I saw it in 3D).
  • An effective combination of amazing action, suspense, tension, and even a little horror!
Directed By: Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg
Genre: Comedy/Apocalypse
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • How this is one of the funniest films I've seen in years (and quite possibly the funniest I've ever seen in theaters!)
  • The hilarious amount of short cameo appearances throughout the film (ranging from Michael Cera, Emma Watson, and a surprise band at the very end!)

Directed By: Ryan Coogler
Genre: Drama
Favorite Aspect(s) about the Film:
  • The emotionally powerful magnitude this film brought to the screen (leaving me shaking from its intensity).
  • This is one of the best films of 2013!!! (I know that's not actually an aspect).

Bonus: Honorary Seven
For seven other films that I thought were good but just didn't make the top 13 cut. In alphabetical order:

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